How Much Faster Than A Single Spindle Is Multi Spindle Machining?

Here at Muller England we were pleased – and not at all surprised – to see this market shares bit of news stating that the multi spindle heads market is doing better than ever. Of course, manufacturing has had to step its game up, both locally and around the world, in the face of the pandemic, and step up it has!

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With supply chains in recent years having become longer and longer, time-critical components are in even higher demand. So if you think one spindle on a machine gets a job done fairly quickly, consider six spindles for the multi-spindle machine, and watch lead times drop dramatically…

Multi Spindles Machines Are Up To Four Times Faster

Yes, a multi spindle machine is four times faster than a single spindle machine, on average. Thanks to the extra spindles, parts and components can be worked on by multiple tools at the same time, as opposed to working on one part, and then working on another. That means that what would normally have been completed in one single rotation, is now completed in tandem with two or three other parts of the job.

For every part that is worked on by a multi spindle machine, time savings can be significant, and this effect is compounded when we look at high volume orders assigned to these machines.

No wonder market shares show that multi spindle machines are in higher demand than they ever were. Multi spindle machines are used across a vast range of industries, including automotive, hydraulics, gas, electrical, and many more.

When To Use A Multi Spindle Machine

Multi spindle machines are best used on complex, high volume orders, in order to really maximise the time savings. For one-off part production, or for projects with a fairly relaxed completion date, single spindle machines may be suitable.

At Muller England we provide transparent pricing and lead times with no hidden fees or loopholes. Our sister company Muller Redditch provides CNC production, while at Muller England we specialise in manual machining.

For more information about high volume part orders and how multi spindle machine jobs can speed up production runs and save you a lot of time and money, get in touch today to find out more.

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Image source: Pixabay