Questions You Need To Ask Before Choosing High-Volume Machining

Before beginning a high-volume machining project, it’s important to discuss your project with your machinist to ensure that all of your needs can be met. At Muller, we work with clients across the UK on a number of projects, many of which are high-volume. Before your project begins, it’s important to understand what high-volume machining is, and which questions you should be asking before commencing work

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What Is High-Volume Machining?

High-volume machining refers to all machining that is conducted in high quantities, often considered to be batches of 50,000 or more. High-volume machining is commonplace both in the UK and throughout the rest of the world, particularly in the manufacture of common goods and electronics. Before undertaking a high-volume project, it’s important to have a good idea of the scale and timeline on which your project is going to run.


High-volume machining, is, of course, all about maintaining high levels of efficiency and speed in order to hit target outputs. Before commencing high-volume machining, ask the company:

What volumes can they produce? Make sure that estimated volumes fit your requirements, ideally with room to spare.

Component Characteristics

It’s also important to consider whether your chosen machining company can work with the components that you require. Ask them:

Do they supply the specific components you require, and what are they made of?

Can they achieve the required tolerances and surface finishes?


Finally, you’ll need to discuss materials with your machining company. Be sure to ask:

– What materials do they work with?
– What materials can they supply?

Consider if the materials you’re planning to use in your project are covered by these, and if not, you may have to look for a different machining company to work with.

Finding The Perfect Fit

If you’ve found a machining company you want to work with and the answer to some of these questions are disappointing, consider whether it’s worth shopping around for a new company. At Muller, we offer machining services across the UK to a wide range of sectors, and we’ve got years of experience in machining, producing products and parts in various materials and volumes. If you’d like to know more about our high-volume machining solutions or you’d simply like to fire these questions at us, give us a call and we’ll be happy to speak to you at any time.

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Image source: Pixabay