How Much Detail Is Required To Get A High-Volume Project Underway?

At Muller, we frequently work on high-volume manufacturing projects using various machines including both Multi-Spindle Automatics and Rotary Transfer Machines. When undertaking a high-volume project, it’s important to pay attention to the details which will affect the running of your high-volume project.

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Getting The Details Right From The Start

When you’re getting a high-volume project underway, it pays to consider the details of your project from the first step. From the staffing and set-up of your manufacturing project to the machines and machining company you’ll employ to get the work done, it’s better to make the right choices from the start by considering your project as a whole than to make mistakes and pay the price later.

When you’re looking for a machinist, think carefully about which machines are best for your project. Multi-spindle machines are typically fitted with six spindles which means that much more work can be accomplished in a single rotation of the drum when compared to single-spindle machines, achieving higher productivity and being much more appropriate for high-volume manufacturing projects.

To accurately make the right decisions early on, it’s important to think about a few factors: what volume of goods are you manufacturing, and when does the project start? What time frame are you working with, and what will your production targets look like? By answering these questions realistically and ensuring that your choices are appropriate in the planning stages, your project should get off to a promising start.

Pay Attention To Details At Every Stage

Once your high-volume project is underway, Muller will take care of the consistency and reliability required to keep a high-volume project running smoothly, and this means keeping a close eye both on staff performance and production rates to ensure that daily, weekly and monthly targets are being met.

You can keep an eye on production by staying in close contact with your machining company and asking for regular updates about how the work is going. At Muller, we work hard to ensure a fast turnaround and excellent customer service, keeping you up to date with your production deadlines every step of the way.

Contact Us Today For More Advice

At Muller, we have two sites dedicated to high-volume machining and we work with businesses across multiple sectors throughout the UK on high-volume projects. If you’re looking for professional machinists who are trained and qualified in the most modern production methods, call us today for friendly advice about getting started on a successful high-volume manufacturing project.

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Image Source: Pixabay